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Demo Instance is Back

There are couple of announcements here:

  • demo instance is back
  • new landing page
  • new release: 3.3.1

Let's go through above points one by one.

Demo Instance

After several years being down - demo instance is back online 🎉! You can access it at same link:

Username: demo
Password: demo

Demo page instance is reseted every 24 hours. This means that whatever you upload there is erased after maximum 24 hours.

In order to save resources, only minimal setup is deployed. To be exact: online demo does not feature OCR. Also there is no full text search. You may wonder - what? But then, to what use is demo without OCR?

The most important part of the demo instance is that you can quickly get a general feeling of its UI, responsive etc. Also you can play around with important features like Categories, Custom Fields, Template Paths and Tags.

🛑 Please don't upload sensitive documents to demo instance 🛑

New Landing Page

Beside demo instance - there is another important announcement: landing page was updated 🎉! Well, updated is not correct word because landing page is completely new! It also is deployed on new server. So, literally everything about landing page and demo is new. Except web address: 😛.

Landing page, similarly to Papermerge DMS now features dark/light theme switch:

new landing page

Release 3.3.1

Title says it all. Release 3.3.1 fixes a blocking bug that in some browsers (one some platforms) modal dialogs were shown offseted - which blocked all workflows. The issue we are writing about is this one