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Release 3.4 and What's Next

Release 3.4

Release 3.4 is out 🎉 🎉 🎉!

What's Next?

Here is rough plan of what is going to happen next. First of all, we will update documentation and publish couple of videos with new features.

There are people using 2.0 and 2.1 versions. We will provide scripts and support for migrating away from these versions to the newest one. Once all users will be onboard using newest 3.x we will declare 2.x versions as obsolete.

Once two points above are checked, we will move on with the development of new features as per roadmap: per object access management and group ownership. Both these features will be included in 3.5 and will be shipped in approximately 2-3 months from now. At least that is the plan.

Of course there will be minor releases in between which will include only bug fixes and 3rd party dependencies updates.

Demo Instance is Back

There are couple of announcements here:

  • demo instance is back
  • new landing page
  • new release: 3.3.1

Let's go through above points one by one.

Demo Instance

After several years being down - demo instance is back online 🎉! You can access it at same link:

Username: demo
Password: demo

Demo page instance is reseted every 24 hours. This means that whatever you upload there is erased after maximum 24 hours.