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OIDC Support is Here

Release 3.2 is out!

It adds support for three important:

  1. authorization via granular permissions
  2. oidc authentication
  3. remote user authentication

Authorization via Granular Permissions

Now each user can be assigned a set of permissions (direct or via Groups). This is a way of limiting scopes of actions user can perform. For example you may not want any user to be able to manage groups or view all Papermerge accounts.

OIDC Authentication

OIDC is abbreviation for Auth2.0/OpenID Connect. In previous release we've added support for two specific OIDC provider GitHub and Google. In this release we've came with generalized approach - now you can use any OIDC provider. We've tests OIDC support with Keycloak and Authentik.

Remote User Authentication

We've added yet another way of external authenticating via so called "Remote User" header. Remote user authentication was tested with Authelia.


3.1 Release

The most important part of release 3.1 are the the support of OpenLDAP and OAuth2 (Google and Github providers) authetication.


  • Support of OAuth2 authentication with Google and GitHub providers
  • Support for OpenLDAP (RFC 4510) authentication
  • Support for node's custom IDs Issue#325
  • Exclude document from OCR Issue#598


  • Getting '500 - Internal Server Error' when patching node tags Issue#326
  • papermerge-cli import option --delete without any function Issue#592

The documentation for authentication part is here.

Papermerge 3.0

I am very excited to announce the release of Papermerge DMS 3.0.

Comparatively to all previous releases, version 3.0 underwent serious architectural changes. I won't bore reader with all technical details, I will just briefly mention two biggest technical changes:

  • frontend rewritten in TS/React
  • REST API now served with FastAPI

Also, the format of storing files on the disk differs from previous versions - alone this fact makes version 3.0 incompatible with all previous releases.

Here is the list of exciting features that version 3.0 brings:

  • support for jpeg/png/tiff formats is back
  • full text search is now backed up by Solr search engine
  • multiple authentication backends are supported e.g. oauth2.0/OIDC (not documented yet)
  • well documented REST API
  • dual panel mode
  • page management - delete, reorder, rotate, merge, move pages between documents
  • OCR with text overlay (thanks to OCRMyPDF)

Go to 3.0 documentation and play with docker compose setup. Also, for production deployment on remote server there Ansible playbook available as well.
